Updated02/09/2025 11:40am 

Weather Alerts for Stafford County

Issued by the National Weather Service

Winter Storm Watch  WINTER STORM WATCH   Winter Storm Watch

Areas Affected:
Southern Somerset - Interior York - Central Interior Cumberland - Androscoggin - Kennebec - Interior Waldo - Coastal York - Coastal Cumberland - Sagadahoc - Lincoln - Knox - Coastal Waldo - Southern Grafton - Southern Carroll - Sullivan - Merrimack - Belknap - Strafford - Cheshire - Eastern Hillsborough - Interior Rockingham - Coastal Rockingham - Western And Central Hillsborough
Effective: Sat, 1/18 3:09pm Updated: Sat, 1/18 5:02pm Urgency: Future
Expires: Sun, 1/19 3:15am Severity:  Severe  Certainty: Possible

* WHAT...Heavy snow remains possible. Total snow accumulations may
exceed 6 inches.

* WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Maine and central,
northern, and southern New Hampshire.

* WHEN...From late Sunday afternoon through Monday morning.

* IMPACTS...Periods of moderate and heavy snow will combine with low
visibility to create dangerous driving conditions. The hazardous
conditions could impact the Monday morning commute.

Monitor the latest forecasts for updates on this situation.

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